The “Tweens”, often referred to as preadolescence or pre-teens, is the stage of development following early childhood and ending with the start of the teenage years, so kids from about 10 to 13 years old.

The term tweens refer to this age group being in-between two stages – which somewhat reduces the significance of the tween stage, no? In all honesty, the ages of 10-13 are kind of a lost age. Children of this age don’t require the same kind of constant supervision as young kids, but they don’t have the independence of teenagers.

But this is a pivotal time where kids feel trapped in an awkward transition. They’re learning to relate to peers, adjust to social rules, and develop the skills they’ll need in their teen years. And these skills include money management.

Here are some hands-on tips for giving them a financial jump-start:

Start talking to them about banking

If you don’t have a savings and spending account for your pre-teens, it’s probably time. Learning to manage a bank account is a must. In fact, putting money into a savings account is one of the best habits a tween can pick up. For every $10 they earn, try encouraging them to put $1 into savings.

Get them a debit card

Our world is a lot less reliant on bills and coins. And a debit card prepares your child for money handling in a largely digital world. Think about it this way; when you can control the spending limits and access, a card becomes safer than giving your kids cash—especially when you can set limits on the card.

Help them make online purchases

Making an online purchase is a fairly common activity. Kids should be as comfortable buying something on Amazon as they are making brick-and-mortar store purchases. Guiding them through this process, and how to keep their money and information safe, helps demystify this task.

Teach them how to monitor their account with an app

Monthly paper bank statements are so 2002. It’s easier than ever to track your account activity. The ability to check in on your account from a mobile app adds a whole new level of security to banking. Your child should be able to monitor their account and their spending habits—and you should, too.

Help them make money outside the home

At this age, they’re ready to start experimenting with work. Why not talk to family, neighbors, and church members about opportunities for doing yard work, babysitting, or helping others with chores? This not only helps them make money to deposit in their account, but it also instills a strong work ethic.

Give your tween a Jump Start

You can’t teach the most important lessons in a day; they require consistent involvement and reinforcement. That’s why it’s critical to set your child up for success by teaching them smart money managing principles and techniques early.